Indian government is betting high on solar power and is doing the ground work. Several big ticket projects are announced to meet the 100000 MW target of solar power generation by 2019. It means adding 20000 MW every with an investment of USD 15 -20 billion. It is expected that around 30 % of investments is likely to come from USA, China and Germany. Some of the leading players are already present in the Indian market like Sun Edision, ReNew Power, ADB and German state-owned KfW are making investments in the sector. It means a total investment of USD 110 billion in solar power plants including transmission capacity by 2019.
The Indian solar market is a big space to play around with solar cells market but utility-scale projects as well. : First Solar (US), Sun Edison (US), Fortum (Finland), Solairedirect, EDF and Fonoroche (France) are likely to be the key players to participate in this huge push of solar power.
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